Ich operiere im Bereich Gesundheits- und Leistungsoptimierung, spezialisiert auf das Zusammenspiel von Gesundheit und Performance mit einem besonderen Fokus auf Langlebigkeit, Healthspan und den Einsatz von Technologie. Als Arzt für Unfallchirurgie und Orthopädie sowie Sportmediziner verbinde ich klinische Expertise mit einem breiten Wissen, um Menschen wieder mobil zu machen und Athleten zu Höchstleistungen zu verhelfen.
Teamarzt EJOT-Team. Dr. med, Sportmediziner, Sportwissenschaftler an der Uni Marburg. zertifizierter Ernährungsberater. Sport advisor CW1. Schwimmanalyse (Laufanalyse) per Video.
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27. März 2023 um 18:35I was looking for a coach with a deep knowledge of medicine. Because I could not complete two seasons in a row due to permanent illness. Artur adapts the training plan to all my specific needs. And it works perfectly: no serious illnesses or injuries. Instead, I am in the best physical shape I have ever been and have beaten my personal bests.
Hilfreiche BewertungI recommend Artur as a professional with a deep understanding of nutrition, recovery, medicine, and mental care.
14. März 2023 um 19:54Great coach. It was very difficult for me to pick a coach and I eventually met Artur. I am now very happy training with him online.
Hilfreiche BewertungI improved my results significantly in a quite short period of time, but I am grateful for psychological, nutritional and even biochemical tips the most. Very much appreciated. I have a scientific background, therefore evidence-based tools in everyday life and certainly sport are very important to me.
Enjoy the hard!
Roman Schiller
23. November 2022 um 07:13Amazing trainer. Artur is passionate and dedicated. He motivates me to push harder, and to believe in myself.
Hilfreiche Bewertung3He creates a comfortable and easy atmosphere that I have never experienced with another Coach’s/Trainings apps. It allows me to push myself harder and achieve better results.🥳
I live the exclusive private experience and would not train with any other Fitnesscoach in Ulm, Augsburg, Stuttgart.
Highly recommended! 🏆
17. November 2022 um 11:14Artur is a wonderful coach!
We started working together on my goal of completing a half-marathon which I successfully achieved. After that, I started to do triathlon and after hard work, individual training plans and adjustment for my level and body, I was able to finish 6 triathlon races (2 sprints, 2 Olympics, 2 half-ironmans) with great results for the first season ever!
He is very polite and inspirational. Always gave me the motivation to work hard at the moment of trainings while focusing on the final high-level goal.
I learned a lot of theoretical and practical things about how my body works, how sport impacts the muscles, cardiovascular system, how weight loss/gain works etc.
I definitely recommend him as a coach if you really want to achieve the results you are dreaming about!
Hilfreiche Bewertung4Ronja Titze
16. November 2022 um 20:26Geht im Trainingsplan auf meine Wünsche, Arbeitszeiten (Schichtdienst) und bereits vorhandene Grundlagen ein. Unterstützt mich in der Reha von einer Verletzung. Ist bei Fragen immer schnell zu erreichen und kann auch kurzfristige Änderungen noch in den Plan integrieren. Berät mich was Wettkämpfe und Material angeht und hat aufgrund seiner eigenen Wettkampferfahrung wirklich viel Wissen. Mit Artur zu trainieren motiviert mich total und bringt mich voran! Könnte mir keinen anderen Coach vorstellen!
Hilfreiche Bewertung3