Feel the Speed Coaching. Endurance sports coaching by former pro triathlete Richard Westover for athletes across triathlon, swimming, cycling and running.
What are my strengths/ why would you want me as your coach?
The most important factor in making progress is showing up; being consistent. So step 1, is always working with the individual athlete to ensure that what we plan, works for the person, their circumstances, environment, other life factors, and is flexible and adaptable to meet their needs. My focus is on knowing and understanding the athletes that I work with, developing strong, well-rounded people through consistency and variety, so that we can get the most from each day, whatever that day brings. We’re always refining the plan based on what is happening, what has come before and where we’re going as a result. It is really knowing and understanding the athletes that makes it possible to do what is most effective for the individual. This is the way I coach and what I believe to be my main strength.
I am English, but based close to Hamburg in Germany, speaking both English & German and work with athletes in person and remotely.
You may be an experienced athlete racing professionally, just learning to swim or somewhere in the middle. I want to not only help develop your skills and performance within your chosen sport, but to enhance your enjoyment of the process of both training and racing.
I have been coaching a range of athletes for around 5 years now, becoming a British Triathlon certified coach along the way.
This began for me with an experiment into coaching, as a proof in concept to see if I am the right person to be a coach, do I enjoy it and can I help develop athletes. It started with people who wanted to try running a half- marathon for the first time and then someone who had never swum or cycled before, but wanted to do their first triathlon.
From there it has developed into a passion where I have grown as much as the athletes I’ve had the opportunity to work with.
There are several pillars that I believe in as the foundation to performance and enjoyment, and from there we build and adapt depending on you, how you would like to develop and what you’re looking to achieve.
Previously, I have experienced racing triathlon across all distances as an amateur while working a full-time job, through to competing in triathlon as a professional both coached and self-coached. I have spent all of my life in sport though, from team sports to athletics, cross-country running, road cycling and cyclocross.
Feel free to contact me and we can chat about how it might look to work together and whether we are a good fit for each other.
I offer one simple price for coaching services to all athletes. There are not various packages with limits on contact time or amendments to the training plan because I don’t believe this can work for truly coaching athletes. We have to be able to continuously adapt, adjust and refine. To do this, I have to really know and understand my athletes and their lives and therefore we will communicate regularly through TrainingPeaks, Whatsapp, calls or meeting for training or coffee as is needed across the year.
Knowing athletes and feeling the training, process, and progress with them is what it is all about as a coach.
Feel the Speed and Make it Count.
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Mehr Informationen
30. August 2024 um 13:31Ich trainiere seit diesem Frühjahr mit Richard. Im Winter habe ich den Sport für mich entdeckt, kam jedoch mit den Online Trainingsplänen nicht richtig klar, da ich beruflich viel Reise. Mit Richard zusammen zu arbeiten, hat genau den erhofften Fortschritt gebracht. Mit den wöchentlich individuell abgestimmten Plänen konnten wir das Training und meinen Außendienst unter einen Hut bringen und durch die manchmal täglichen Austausche gibt er mir den benötigten Tritt, um von der Couch aufzustehen.
Hilfreiche BewertungAnne
20. August 2024 um 13:34I started working with Richard beginning of 2024. After three pregnancies I felt the urgent need to get fit again. Though running had never been a passion of mine it seemed the only sport that I could squeeze into my work/family life. We started off with short sessions that quickly turned into the training for a 10km run, which I thought I would never survive 😉
Hilfreiche BewertungAt the beginning of each week, Richard asks me about my availability and designs the training sessions accordingly. In the time I have been writing with Richard, I have not had a single injury and broke personal records I had never even imagined. Richard is certainly responsible for getting me addicted to running. 🙂
20. August 2024 um 09:12Richard ist seit einigen Jahren mein Trainer.
Als wir angefangen haben zusammen zu trainieren, war ich eine Hobbyläuferin, die nicht schwimmen (kraulen) konnte und trotzdem gerne mal einen Triathlon absolviere wollte. Nach ein paar erfolgreichen Jahren auf der OD und Sprint Distanz mit zahlreichen Podiumsplätzen, habe ich mit Richards Unterstützung, genau auf mich zugeschnittenen Trainingsplänen und sehr gutem Kraultraining, an meiner ersten Mitteldistanz (IM 70.3 Kraichgau) teilgenommen und bin direkt in die Top 9 meiner AK gelaufen.
Dank seiner ausgeglichenen und ganzheitlichen Trainingsmethoden war ich in den ganzen Jahren verletzungsfrei und bin mit viel Freude und top vorbereitet bei den Wettkämpfen angetreten.
Ich kann Richard als Trainer ausdrücklich empfehlen, da er wirklich den Fokus darauf setzt mittel- und langfristige Erfolge zu erzielen und seine Athleten nicht frühzeitig zu verbrennen. Wir stehen immer in einem sehr engen Austausch, wodurch er auf Motivationstiefs eingehen und ggfs. den Wochenplan anpassen kann.
Nach einer Babypause bin ich nun dabei mit Richards Hilfe wieder fit zu werden und freue mich auf die nächsten Erfolge.
Hilfreiche Bewertung4